Friday, September 21, 2012

And So It Begins...

It has been three days since I started the WW program. While the meeting leader did nothing to inspire, or really explain the program to me, I've been learning as I go through reading the website. Everything is pretty user friendly and I'm having fun keeping track of points (type-A). My difficulties come when I try to calculate meals for pre-prepared dishes. I have an amazing grocery store by my apartment (think Whole Foods) that has a great Salad Bar and Hot Bar. The Hot Bar is the most difficult as there are never any ingredients listed (sometimes the what the dish is isn't listed). The Salad Bar at least has a label with ingredients. I can plug them in for the delicious Curried Chicken Salad and somewhat figure out how many points I'm eating. I believe I've been successful so far, I guess we will see how weigh in number one goes next week.

In just three days I'm starting to notice my tendencies to turn to food creep up. I am an emotional eater, I'll admit it. Whenever I'm upset about something or stressed, my mind, unconsciously, turns to food. It's been interesting realizing this but so frustrating. I need to find a new method of coping with my emotions. I started to look at what was making me want food. Usually it was one or two issues that I was stressed about. I asked myself if there was anything I could do in that moment to help or fix that problem. The answer was always no. I had to be okay with that. It's hard. I like to fix things. When I couldn't in the past I would turn straight to food and that was that. Now what? For this moment it's making my mind think about something else. I'll get to the point where there is a different approach. Maybe it will be a more helpful approach. But for now, I have to be strong, stay strong, and believe that I can do this. 

Three days down (a lifetime to go)

Goals for the week: 
- Lose at least 2 pounds
- Go to Yoga/Pilates at least three times (I've been once already)
- Go to the Gym at least once
- Avoid temptation successful - not give into emotional eating

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